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Popular Diets Year 2010

Written By rajablos on Kamis, 17 Maret 2011 | 01.27

Diets that promise drastic weight loss become a tempting lure for those who crave a slim body. Because of that, so there is a new diet method was introduced, many people in droves to try menjajalnya. Sometimes, a new diet method was able to survive and give satisfactory results. However, diets that more often just a scene in the beginning when the newly introduced and then go away because they can not be applied.

Here are 5 popular diet method in 2010. Perhaps you've ever tried one of them.

Diet ice cube method of diet ice cubes (ice cube diet) is in accordance with its name. When you feel like snacking, just chew-chew ice cubes. But this is not just any ice, but ice that has been inserted Hoodia and is designed to eliminate hunger. Diet method is promising that your weight will go down in 40 days. However, the price of ice cubes to the diet is relatively expensive, around Rp 600,000 for 40 days.

Diet is only one kind of food to consume one type of food to lose weight is not something new. However, followers of this diet method is always a lot. In America, many people who claim to drop 10 pounds just by eating pizza alone or there are people who lose weight simply by eating frozen food.

Cold busting fat For the first time, the FDA approved the method of reduction of body fat with non-invasive technology. Without using needles or surgery, this method uses cooling methods to break down fat cells in the skin. There are two methods used, namely Zeltiq and Zerona. Both work for certain body parts that fatty, such as the thigh or abdomen.

According to Pierre occupation occupation diet, slim French women not because of frequent eating cheese and window shopping. They follow a diet method occupation, namely a diet high in protein. Like the low-carb diet, this diet also has some stage variations, ranging from a minimum until finally only consume protein one day a week.

Diet liquid diet is already quite old. But this year, it became popular because of celebrities seen carrying a bottle-nenteng BluPrint, liquid food brands. Liquid diet is divided into three levels, ie beginner, intermediate, and expert. The difference is the amount of vegetable juice and fruit juice consumed each day. Each level can be done 3-10 days, offers a 900-1100 calories per day. As with other dietary methods that limit the intake of calories, of your weight will go down if mengasup 1,000 calories every day. Although popular, many doctors do not recommend this liquid diet method.
01.27 | 0 komentar | Read More

Dietary Antioxidants Avoid Blindness

WANT to have a sharp vision and avoid the risk of blindness? Try to increase the portion of healthy foods contain antioxidants in your menu.

Eating regular food sources rich in antioxidants such as blueberries, artichokes (Helianthus tuberosus) and nuts pecans may be helpful to avoid loss of quality of vision that can lead to blindness.

As reported in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, the research indicates that antioxidants can block the process of macular degeneration or deterioration of the macula - the most sensitive part of retina. Antioxidants also play a large extend the lifetime of retinal cells and footoreseptor in the eye.

The researcher explains, macular degeneration is usually caused by a process called "destructive synergy" that occurred during the emergence of A2E accumulation of substances called that interfere with energy production in mitochondria, or power generation in the cells.

The lack of energy produced by mitochondria will interfere with the activity of maintenance and cleaning of photoreceptors and retinal cells of the eye every day. As a result, A2E will continue to accumulate and lead to damage to the visual cells that are vital and irreplaceable.

Research experts from Brigham Young University and Weill Medical College of Cornell University using the visual cells of the human eye, mice and cattle have shown that antioxidants can actually block and prevent damage caused by this process.

"The implications of this research is for those who berisko macular degeneration can be prevented by consuming antioxidants," said one researcher, Heidi Vollmer-Snarr.
01.25 | 0 komentar | Read More

Blood Type Diet Not Tested

Be careful if you are on a diet based on blood type. As it turns out that many dibincangkan diet many people lately, it has not been tested klinis.Menurut Nutritionist, University of Indonesia (UI) Dr. Elvina Karyadi this diet much debated among scientists because it has not been proven scientifically.

"There has been no scientific studies that show this diet is safe and effective. I do not recommended," said Elvina, after the seminar prevent vaginal discharge, at Taman Sari Spa, on Tuesday (16 / 9). Indeed, at this time based on blood type diet much discussed in the mailing lists and the books and the many people who claim success in the diet. However, it turns out this diet has not been proven scientifically.

Elvina said the diet can be done by maintaining the nutritional intake of food consumed, such as, avoid eating fried, regulate calorie consumption, and minimize the consumption of fats and carbohydrates. As for the choice of food consumption can be done with emphasis on eating vegetables and fruits.

In addition, for those who have excess weight need to familiarize themselves to exercising at least 3 times a week. Exercise can be done in the morning, like a morning walk, sit ups, or go jogging. According to Elvina, skinny people also have to sport with the same portion.

"CHAPTER (Toilet Basar) must be at least 1 day. If a difficult bowel movement, do not be too frequently take medication because it can cause intestinal bald," said Elvina.Yang most important, said Elvina, avoid eating at night before bedtime. "The period of rest should also be quite minimal 6-8 hours a day," said Elvina.
01.24 | 0 komentar | Read More

Diet is Not Survive Long

All the people actually know, in order to lose weight, we have to manage your diet and exercise. But who is not tempted to see friends in a few months looks much thinner, whether due to undergo acupuncture, slimming drink, do not eat rice, and so forth. If the A can, why can not I? So you might think.

Dawn Jackson-Blatner, RD, spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association (ADA), does not agree with this thinking. "Do not be fooled into thinking that weight loss was due to diet, pills, or certain ingredients. What causes the weight loss is consuming fewer calories than you burn," he said. "Unbalanced diet causes weight down because it basically is a low-calorie diet."

After several weeks on a diet that is not realistic, you usually become frustrated and give up. Feelings of failure is what makes them right back through an unhealthy lifestyle. "Diets like this not only failed to lose weight for a long time, but also keeps you motivated, and finally the weight back up," explains Michelle May, MD, author of Am I Hungry? What to Do When Diets Do not Work. "In other words, you become worse than before you started dieting."

Here is the type of diet that will not last long, according to experts from WebMD:

1. Diets that focus on certain foods (like cabbage soup, grapefruit, vegetarian, raw foods, and low-carb diet). Be careful with the diet that regulate food groups like this. We should eat a variety of foods to get all the benefits of vitamins and minerals needed, says Andrea Giancoli, MPH, RD, ADA spokesperson.

David Katz, MD, a lecturer at Yale University and author of The Flavor Point Diet, said that restricting certain foods initially was successful, but will fail in the long term. You could lose weight by eating only one type of food, for example pecel, but how long you can eat pecel hell? You surely will soon be bored by eating food that's all, and start wanting your usual favorite foods. Finally, you return to your old eating patterns.

All you need to make a handle, any type of food to nourish you during consumed taste (which includes meat, ice cream, even chips). Remember, a balanced nutritional composition is 60-70% carbohydrate, 10-15% protein, and fat 20-25%.

2. Detox diet, which aims to clean the intestines, liver, remove toxins, and so forth. "All things related to the drainage of cleaning and this is nonsense, because there is no scientific basis," says Pamela Peeke, MD, chief medical correspondent for Discovery Health Channel. "Our bodies are equipped with organs like the liver and kidneys, and immune system, to cleanse itself of toxins that exist, without the help of 'cleaning' the other."

3. Diet with nutritious foods or other supplements (such as fructose water, bitter orange, green tea, apple vinegar). People who want to go on a diet is always looking for food, pills, or other formulas that will help them lose weight. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as potions "miraculous". "There are no special foods or food groups to eat together or at certain times can affect weight loss," said Michelle May.

Beware the tricks diet recommends you take supplements, enzymes, or a specific formula. "You do not need expensive supplements anyway," says Blatner. "If you want to take a multivitamin once a day to ensure the nutritional hell, is fine. But you should get nutrients from food alone."

4. Fasting or low-calorie diet. Fasting in order to lose weight is counterproductive, according Giancoli. "When you eat fewer calories, your body thinks you're starving, and adjust its metabolism. But when you return to eating normally, your metabolism does not adjust again, and therefore you need fewer calories than before," he explained.

What's worse, weight loss during fasting is usually a combination of fat, fluid, and muscle, but weight you gain back most likely entirely fat. That's why when fasting, you feel weak or lack of energy when it comes to physical activity.

Blatner added, a diet that promises weight loss of between 2.2 to 6.8 kg in a short time really is unrealistic. Depending on how much you want to lose, initially you may lose fluids. But from time to time the average weight decreased about 0.45 kg per week.

Simple diet
In implementing the diet program, you should find a pattern to suit your lifestyle. Diet is best when done with a safe, simple, and in the long term. "Forget about dieting, and just think about strategies to satisfy hunger by eating fewer calories," said Katz. "Eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein, can also help overcome the appetite."

Blatner suggests to follow the three step approach that he uses for his clients:
1. Make an inventory of what you do now, and find out when you most often feel hungry. Most people are most anxious ahead at 15.00, that's when they feel like snacking. Katz suggested that we recognize what makes the weight go up, and had overcome the problem. For example, if you tend to overeat when stressed, first resolve what is causing you stress.
01.23 | 0 komentar | Read More

Facts Behind the Various Theories Diet

So many diet methods that we know. Which is the most proven to streamline the body? Let's peel together.

Do not eat after 20:00 o'clock
His theory: The speed of the body to process food more quickly in the daytime than at night. Eating too late to make the calories to stay in the body and stored as fat.

Fact: "Our bodies process food and burn it into calories with the same intensity throughout the day, from morning, noon, till night," said Mary Flynn, PhD, a nutritionist who works at Miriam Hospital. It's just that at night we move slightly reduced. "Moreover, if after dinner, we just sit on the couch watching television."

So the food tends to turn into fat. However, if we do exercise the next day, piles of fat that could go wasted. So, Flynn added, we could have dinner and complete with a walk around the house for 15-30 minutes. Or if we want to snacking at night, choose healthy snacks such as grain products, low-fat milk, and a glass of hot chocolate without sugar.

Eat small portions and with a frequency that often will trigger the body's metabolism
His theory: The portion of the mini will be a kind of catalyst that accelerates the body's work in food processing. So the body more easily burn it into energy.

The fact is: It should be noted when applying the method of this diet is the choice of food we consume. There are some foods that really speeds up the metabolism, but in fact did not help much in losing weight. Examples are food and beverages that contain caffeine.

Besides choosing the right food, do sports too. Because the sport is the most effective way to speed up calorie burning. Plus, exercise will strengthen the muscles so that the pile of fat that is burned can be formed into a more solid muscle. This means there is no room for new fat to accumulate in the body.

Labeled foods diet will help weight loss programs
His theory: Label low-fat and low-carb on food products made with specially formulated to create a weight loss program we can run more practical.

The fact is: writing low-fat or low-carb diets on the food we buy is actually not automatically indicate that the food is low in calories. A study also revealed that, when buying foods with that label, that happens we just eat them more than similar foods without labels.

"The numbers large enough, can be up to 50 percent more. Consumers think no matter how much they eat, remains calorie mini because of low fat and low carbohydrate," says Brian Wansink, PhD, who conducted the study with Pierre Chandon, PhD. This study has been published in the Journal of Marketing Research in November 2006.

So that we are not deceived by their own perceptions, be sure to keep watching the existing nutritional labels on food packaging. Notice how many calories are there per serving of food. Then compare with similar products without writing low-fat or low-carb.

Fatty foods will make us get fat
His theory: In a per gram of fat there are as many as 9 calories, while carbohydrates and protein have only 4 calories per gram. So for our successful weight loss program, avoid all forms of fat.

Fact: Not all fat is the enemy of our waistlines. Because, there are several types of fats can actually speed up weight loss. Plus, in principle, our body needs fat to aid absorption of some vitamins.

Good fats are monounsaturated fat (MUFA) and polyunsaturated fat (PUFA). Both not only make our food taste more delicious but also keep feeling full longer. This can be found in canola oil, sun seed oil, and olive oil. In addition, nuts and fish are also rich in good fats. Actually, these fats not only make us stay slim waist, but also saves us from the risk of heart attack. So do not directly hostile to fat during the diet program.
01.22 | 0 komentar | Read More

Want to Diet Success, Start at age 28!

The success in weight loss is influenced by many factors. Research shows, the age factor may influence the success of the diet, especially among the Eve.

The survey, conducted Lambrini Light beverage company in the UK states, female dieters who succeed are those who started the slimming program at the age of 28 years.

Women in the late 20s believed to be able to quickly erode the fat from his body because they have more time and a strong willingness on the Eve than any other age. Women in their 20s are also relatively more concerned about weight and stay focused on the goal to reduce the number of scales.

Meanwhile, women who started in the 30s, are often too busy and had no time considering his weight. While at the age of 40 and 50's, the women have lost the passion to create beautiful body.

Research was also noted, women who melakoni two types of diet or health habits last year, to pocket an average of Rp 1.9 million for the program slimming and fitness club. However, nearly three-quarters admit one diet in which they live ended without result.

"Therefore, women marry later, most of them are aged 28 are still single, still dating and became active in social life. This is what explains why they become so successful in maintaining health and body shape," said Sue Beck of Lambrini Light.

Research involving 3,000 women aged above 30's also found that 64 percent of respondents claimed the existence of a point in life where they successfully lose weight. Four of the 10 women stated that this is due to a very strong willingness.

As many as 38 percent of respondents in the age of 40 and 50 admit that they have reached the point where diet ustu and beautiful body shape is no longer a priority in his life.
01.21 | 0 komentar | Read More

Experts said the style of celebrity Diet Problem

This type of diet many forms. Everyone has different ways to manage your diet to get the ideal body. Included are also a number of celebrities who like to go on a diet to maintain her appearance. But if the celebrity-style diets and then secure it followed? Consider the analysis Sian Porter, dietary consultant and spokesperson for the British Dietetic Association on diet a number of celebrities.

Diets based on blood type
Liz Hurley, Cheryl Cole, and Hugh Grant on a diet of this type. This diet is based on the theory that the lectins, the type of protein found in milk, meat, and wheat, react differently in each blood group. This protein causes a number of problems that vary like weight, difficult defecation, and body are sluggish.

Therefore, the blood group A should eat more vegetables and avoid red meat and milk. While the blood group B have to stop eating wheat, but should increase the consumption of milk. For the AB blood group, can diet with dietary modification of blood types A and B. Meanwhile, people who have a lot of blood O eat meat.

According to experts, there is no absolute proof of blood type association with defecation problems. Reducing the number of certain types of food is not good for health and reduce energy.

"True if this diet works for some people, but can also not work on some others. The success of diet related to genetic factors, activity level, and not because of blood type. Diet blood group like this only penamaannya are interesting, but the bottom line reducing calories, "said Porter.

Diet with cleaning program
Gwyneth Paltrow and Donna Karan fan of this type of diet. With the method of detoxification, diet that is run for three weeks just by eating organic foods or fresh foods are grown.

Unlike other detox diet, the diet of this type allows only a little solid food intake. Gwyneth Paltrow says the intake like this he can still concentrate on work and sports. His diet is to eat liquid food twice a day, such as soup or a smoothie. Plus solids in the liquid meal was interrupted.

According to experts, this program type with the Slim Fast diet is a model that uses the approach of liquid food intake. Generally this model diet lost weight but only short term solution only.

"To stay balanced, soups and smoothies milk added added wheat. The risk you will be iron deficient if undergoing this program," said Porter.

Dr Atkins Diet
Couple tenderly this one is compact. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt on a diet that is claimed as a revolution by its discoverer, Dr. Atkins. The principle of this diet is to reduce carbohydrates and increase protein intake. Atkins diet is more healthful because it claimed to allow the intake of good carbs like wholemeal bread and brown rice.

According to experts, this diet can help you lose weight in the short term. There are other effects of reduced carbohydrate habits, including bad breath, and difficulty in defecation. The impact of the more serious, you begin to hunger and burning fat tissue.

You are certainly more intelligent choosing the right diet and not just follow the celebrity trend of this. Although you probably are one of the fans of the weight.
01.20 | 0 komentar | Read More
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